Chinese people are quite fond of shopping. You can also shop for second hand clothing. Nothing in this country is legal to sell and buy. Today we are going to tell you about the 10 strangest things can only be purchased in China. Now the air is already so toxic tin joins clean air …
China’s air is already quite Poluted. This is because the cans can be purchased off the pure air.
The man hired to get caught in jam
China’s population of 1.3 billion live in the day of traffic jams. This is because if caught in the jam car hires to care for the man. In the meantime you can sleep comfortably on the back seat.
Tea leaf is the only Virgin can break
Leaf tea grown in China’s Henan province, can only virgin girls break. For this they have to use hands instead of the mouth.
Panda Tea
Panda Tea’s most expensive tea in the world counts. The price of one kg pack is more than 50 million. You have made these t dried panda potty.
Americans stand with the people of China in meetings buy. These overseas rent See here.