Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is having a fun conversation with his fans on Twitter. The director who makes sure that he stays connected with his fans, recently, gave a lot more detail about the upcoming season of Koffee With Karan. Karan while giving details about the next season, revealed who will be the first guest on his show!
If you remember that during the last season, Salman Khan made a smashing debut on Koffee with Karan. Interstingly, this was also the first episode of the show last year and what an episode it was!
Salman apparently, broke the internet with his virginity claims, but this season Salman is not the first guest on his list. Yes, this actor missed the show last year and the actor will reportedly be back to share the seat with Karan! Any Guesses!
Its none other than Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan. Karan himself confirmed the news on Twitter:
On being asked about who the first guest will be this season, Karan wrote back, ” “@fanraees: @karanjohar Kya aap shahrukh sir ko #koffeewithkaran mein bulayenge”yes!!! Opening episode has to be him and no one else.”