“Robot” movie came in 2010 with Rajinikanth in lead role was made at a budget of Rs 150 crores, but it seems director Shankar isn’t satisfied with this amount. Now, he increase the budget for the sequel “2.0” and can you guess how much is it? It is a huge amount of Rs 350 crores!!Still unbelievable !
With this it has already beaten the upcoming movie Baahubali 2, which is reported to be made at a budget of Rs 250 crores. Yes, Baahubali 2 was considered to be the costliest movie till date, but with a budget of 350 crores, “2.0” has set a new record. This is going to be the costliest movie of India; no doubt about the power of Thalaivar.
While 2.0 has booked the next year’s Diwali slot, Baahubali 2 has booked the April slot. We all expected 2.0 to be really big because it has a rocking combination of Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar; makers can no way compromise for less in this case.
Everyone expecting 2.0 to be really big because of combination of Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar, 2.0 is going to release next year’s Diwali.And Bahubali 2 is going to relase on April 2017.
Amul Mohan, says;
“I have heard that the budget of 2.0 is Rs 350 crore. It’s a big statement of intent from the South industry. We, in Mumbai, are struggling to make movies at a fraction of that amount. But the budget of 2.0 makes sense as the first film was a worldwide success. And when Rajinikanth teams up with Akshay Kumar, you always know it is going to be a bigger player. But having said that, 2.0 is not a big budget film by Hollywood standards. Rs 350 crore, when compared to a Hollywood film, is nothing, given today’s currency exchange rate. But if anybody can pull it off here, it’s Shankar.”
Why Robot sequel is so expensive?
Akshaye Rathi, another trade analyst says that 2.0 is the most expensive film in India owing to all sorts of creatures, robots and VFX. 2.0 makers have upped the budget due to the massive combination of AR Rahman, Shankar, Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth. The cost will obviously be super high if VFX and technology is used; don’t you agree? This sequel would be GRAND in every sense. Let us look at some reasons as to why the movie is so expensive;
1) Akshay Kumar charges around 45 crore per movie; so 1/7th of the cost comprises of his fees.
2) The makers have roped in international experts and technicians for stunts. There is a fight sequence, which is worth a whopping 20 crores. Yes, this is a very thrilling sequence i.e. a fight between Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth.
3) Akshay’s makeup artist was super costly. It took around 3 hours for transforming Akshay Kumar to Dr Richards. Sean Foot, the Hollywood makeup artist was roped in and he charged around 4 crores.
4) 1st look of Akshay and Rajinikanth was launched in a 3 D event last week in Mumbai and left everyone stunned. The cost of this was around 6 crores.
5) Marketing costs are somewhere around 40 crores.