Entertainment 10 Weird Painting You Won’t Believe Were Sold For Millions By Shikha Kaur - 11/29/2016 0 51 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter These are the weird looking art that were sold for millions. 10. Untitled by Cy Twombly – ₹468.3 Crore 9. Orange, Red, Yellow by Mark Rothko – ₹583.1 Crore 8. Interchanged by Willem de Kooning – ₹2,013 Crore 7. No. 5 by Jackson Pollock – ₹939.4 Crore 6. Woman III by Willem de Kooning – ₹922.6 Crore 5. Onement Vi By Barnett Newman – ₹294 Crore 4. Concetto spaziale, Attese by Lucio Fontana – ₹10 Crore 3. Blood Red Mirror by Gerhard Richter – ₹7.3 Crore 2. Peinture (Le Chien) by Joan Miro – ₹14.7 Crore 1. White Fire I by Barnett Newman – ₹25.5 Crore