Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is having a fun conversation with his fans on Twitter. The director who makes sure that he stays connected with his fans, recently, gave a lot more detail about the upcoming season of Koffee With Karan. Karan while giving details about the next season, revealed who will be the first guest on his show! If you remember that during the last season, Salman Khan made a smashing debut on Koffee with Karan. Interstingly, this was also the first episode of the show last year and what…
Read MoreDay: March 13, 2016
HOTNESS ALERT! Shraddha Kapoor sizzles in a SWIMSUIT in this new still from ‘Baaghi’!
Shraddha Kapoor has shed her sweet and charming girl-next-door image for a bold and sensuous avatar in her upcoming movie ‘Baaghi’ opposite Tiger Shroff. Shraddha & Tiger look DEADLY in the NEW ”Baaghi” still! View pic inside! After showing her rebel avatar in the official poster of Baaghi, the diva has raised oomph in the latest still from the movie that is making rounds on social media. SEE PIC: Tiger-Shraddha share a passionate lip-lock in ‘Baaghi’! The sexy still from the Sabbir Khan directorial shows the 27-year-old clad in a green bikini which complements…
Read Moreचौंकिए नहीं! इस झोपड़ी से मिले 3 करोड़ रुपये, एक शख्स गिरफ्तार
सांगली: महाराष्ट्र के सांगली जिले में एक झोपड़ी से तीन करोड़ रुपये बरामद हुए हैं. झोपड़ी में रहने वाले मैनुद्दीन मुल्ला को मामले में गिरफ्तार किया गया है. उसके पास से दो बुलेट और मंहगी गाड़ी भी बरामद हुई. पूरे 3 करोड़ रुपये, 3 के आगे पूरे सात जीरो लगने पर ये रकम बनती है. ये रुपये किसी धन्ना सेठ या बैंक के नहीं है. ये रुपये मिले हैं एक गरीब की झोपड़ी से…जी हां! एक झोपड़ी से. मुंबई से करीब साढ़े तीन सौ किलोमीटर दूर सांगली के मिराज इलाके…
Read MoreWT20: रनों के अंबार वाले मुकाबले में 4 रन पीछे रह गई टीम इंडिया
मुम्बई: भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम को शनिवार को वानखेड़े स्टेडियम में खेले गए अपने दूसरे अभ्यास मैच में दक्षिण अफ्रीका के हाथों चार रनों से हार मिली. मेहमान टीम ने भारत के सामने जीत के लिए 197 रनों का लक्ष्य रखा था लेकिन भारतीय टीम निर्धारित ओवरों की समाप्ति तक पांच विकेट पर 192 रन ही बना सकी. भारत की ओर शिखर धवन ने सबसे अधिक 73 रन बनाए जबकि सुरेश रैना ने 41 तथा कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धौनी ने नाबाद 30 रन जोड़े. युवराज सिंह 16 रनों पर नाबाद लौटे….
Read More11 Things About Porn Stars That Nobody Dared To Tell You
While watching porn, we hardly think about the porn star, as her sexual moves are seductive enough to make us forget the world. But after reading this article, your porn knowledge will expand, giving you a different perceptive of what rests inside the mind of a porn star. Respect a porn star, as she is the reason you could suppress your sexual tension! 1. They have high rate of childhood sexual abuse and psychological problems. As a child, while you were busy playing soccer in the evening, she was being…
IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY A LOVELY INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARTNER, ONE THING YOU NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IS HAVING AN EXCELLENT SEXUAL HEALTH. And something as simple as peeing right after the end of the sexual act brings great benefits for you and your body, helping to fight infections that may endanger your physical well-being. By having sex, those microbes and bacteria in the genital area and rectum can enter and accumulate in the urethra, running the risk of infection occur in the bladder Furthermore, doctors say, unlike men, female ejaculation…
Read More6 pictures Shruti Hassan that are too hot to handle
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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