The Ravishing Bengali actress Pori Moni started her career with Modeling after passing her Higher Secondary School in 2012. She have worked for many TV dramas including 2nd Innings (Daily Serial), Exclusive Extra Bachelor, Nari and Nabanita, Tumar Janno. Pori got a discovery and made her acting début in 13 February 2015 with Bhalobasha Shimaheen. However, Her first movie Rana Plaza based on Rana Plaza disaster, with actor Symon Sadik, was postponed by the censor board. Terming her multi-Talented won’t be wrong as she recently performed as a playback singer in Prem Amar Priya, bal bal bal o bal. So She’s an actress for Films, TV, a Model & a Playback singe and a bong bombshell and is well-known for her beauty. Here are some of the most amazing photos of the Bangla Actress Pori Moni.